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第三章. 治大气下陷方

Chapter 3. Herbal formula for Qi-sink condition



1. Shengxian Tang


This formula works for a condition, in which the Big Qi in the chest sunk. The person feels short of breath. He breath hard as having asthma, or the breath would stop as a life-threaten condition. He may have cold-hot shift, or dryness in throat and thirsty, or have fullness in the chest and palpitation, or loss of mind, or frequent memory loss. The symptoms can be largely variable and hard to list all of them.  

生箭 (六钱) 知母(三钱) 柴胡(一钱五分) 桔梗(一钱五分) 升麻(一钱)
Huangqi 18 gram, Zhimu 9 gram, Chaihu 4.5 gram, Jiegen 4.5 gram, Shengma 3 gram.

For those who has extreme Qi-Sunk condition, add little Renshen (about 5 to 9 gram), or add Shanyurou several grams (remove kernel), to restrain the exhausting Qi and to make the raised Qi not sink again. If the Qi sinks too much, the person feels falling on the lower abdomen, or pain there, increase the amount of Shengma to 4.5 grqam, or to 6 gram.

Shengxian Tang uses herb Huangqi as its main ingredient. Herb Huangqi is good at nourishing Qi and raising the Qi too. Its herbal nature is little bit hot, so the Zhimy is used to balance its hot side effect. Chaihu is the herb belonging to the Shaoyang meridian. It can bring the Qi up from the left side of the body. Shengma is the herb working in the Yangming meridian. It can bring the Qi raising from the right side of the body. Jiegeng works as a ship to bring the functions of all other herbs up to the chest, so it is used as guider. If the Qi is very much weak, add little Renshen to nouristh the foundation of the Qi. The addition of Shanyurou is to prevent the dispersing of the Qi. If the person feels falling or even pain in the lower abdomen, it suggests that the Qi has sunk too deep. He Shengma has to be used in a high amount to solve it. This is the rough idea for the use of each herb in the formula. The formula still needs to be modified according person’s body condition.  


… The Big Qi means the Qi in the chest. The reason to call it Big Qi, is that it can hold and support the Qi in every other part of the body. It is the leader of the whole body Qi. It folds the lung, dominates the breath, so it is called the Big Qi, for emphasize.

The Big Qi is the inside Qi. The breathed Qi is the outside Qi. If a person feels the breathing Qi cannot conduct with the inside Qi, it suggests that the Big Qi is sinking, or has sunk, so it fails to hold and sustain the lung to work. If the doctor has no this concept, and mis-regards the Qi-sunk condition to be Qi stagnation, he would use herbs to open or to loss the Qi. If the Qi sunk condition is severe, the breath is to stop. Only with hard breath again, can the breath continue. This condition can be mis-diagnozed as asthma to use Qi-suppressing therapy, so the Qi would be more sinking and the condition becomes worse so to risk the life. The mechanism for a cold-hot shift feeling is that, when the Qi starts to sink, the Yang Qi is stagnated to cause cold feeling. After sink, the Yang Qi tries to disperse so to cause hot feeling. When the Yang Qi accumulates little bit more, it disperses up to cause littele sweat to solve the problem for a movement. The dryness in the throat is because the Yingye cannot raising up to wet the throat. The fullness feeling in the chest is because the harsh of the breath. The palpitation is because the heart is above the diagram, pending in the Big Qi, having nowhere to attach when the Big Qi sinks. The person’s mind/brain is cloudy and has poor memory, because the Big Qi sinks, fails to raise up to the brain, so the nerves in the brain is short of nourish.

The Qi-sink condition is usually due to hard physical work (when the body is weak); or to work hard after a severe disease; or to long term of diarrhea; or to overtake of Qi-breaking therapy, or to the Qi being very weak. The reason can be largely variable. Its mild, weak, late pulse, as well as the short of breath, is similar to the condition of Cold-stagnation in chest. If the person feels chilly, and dislikes cold, short of breath, it is the Cold-stagnation in chest. If the person does not feel chilly or cold, but only short of breath, it belongs to the Big Qi-sink condition. Even the short of breath in these two conditions are different. The person with Cold-stagnation, though with the short of breath, feels as there is a heavy stuff to press; the person with the Big Qi-sink, feels the inhalation and exhalation does not connect each other. It should be carefully distinguished in clinic. (see more introduction for the Cold-stagnation in the Liyin Tang).

肺司呼吸,人之所共知也。而谓肺之所以能呼吸者,实赖胸中大气,不惟不业医者不知,即医家知者亦鲜,并方书亦罕言及。所以愚初习医时,亦未知有此气。迨临证细心体验,始确知于肺气呼吸之外,别有气贮于胸中,以司肺脏之呼吸。而此气,且能撑持全身,振作精神,以及心思脑力、官骸动作,莫不赖乎此气。此气一虚,呼吸即觉不利,而且肢体酸懒,精神昏愦,脑力心思,为之顿减。若其气虚而且陷,或下陷过甚者,其人即呼吸顿停,昏然罔觉。愚既实验得胸中有此积气与全身有至切之关系,而尚不知此气当名为何气。涉猎方书,亦无从考证。惟《金匮》水气门,桂枝加黄 汤下,有大气一转,其气乃散之语。后又见喻嘉言《医门法律》谓:五脏六腑,大经小络,昼夜循环不息,必赖胸中大气,斡旋其间。始知胸中所积之气,当名为大气。因忆向读《内经》热论篇有大气皆去病日已矣之语,王氏注大气,为大邪之气也。若胸中之气,亦名为大气,仲景与喻氏果何所本?
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又:《灵枢》客邪篇曰:五谷入于胃,其糟粕、津液、宗气,分为三隧。故宗气积于胸中,出于喉咙,以贯心脉,而行呼吸焉。观此节经文,则宗气即为大气,不待诠解。且与五味篇同为伯高之言,非言出两人,而或有异同。且细审以贯心脉,而行呼吸之语,是大气不但为诸气之纲领,并可为周身血脉之纲领矣。至大气下陷之说,《内经》虽无明文,而其理实亦寓于《内经》中。《灵枢》五色篇雷公问曰:人无病卒死,何以知之?黄帝曰:大气入于脏腑者,不病而卒死。夫人之膈上,心肺皆脏,无所谓腑也。经既统言脏腑,指膈下脏腑可知。以膈上之大气,入于膈下之脏腑,非下陷乎?大气既陷,无气包举肺外以鼓动其 辟之机,则呼吸顿停,所以不病而猝死也。观乎此,则大气之关于人身者,何其重哉!
(Translation is omitted for this paragraph)

I feel very deep pity that the Qi-sink condition is mis-diagnozed and mis-treated, so I set up this Shengxian Tang, as well as Huiyang Shengxian Tang and Liyu Shengxian Tang. The later two formulas are deduced from the Shengxian Tang. Following each of these Shengxia Tang, there are clinic case reports indicating its applications in clinic. Some patient felt short of breath; some felt palpitation, some had heavy sweat; coudy mind/brain; shacking voice and/or body; cold-hot shift feeling; fullness in chest, hard breath as asthma; dry throat with thirsty; yawning, paralysis; easy hungry after eating; leak of urine and/or stool; block of urine with body swelling; exhalation with open mouth but feeling the air not out; protrution of anus; uterus bleeding; reverse menstruation (most case is due to air-reverse, but there are two cases which are due to the Qi-sink. They got recovered by taking the Shengxian Tang). The clinic manifestations are much largely variable. Here I cite some of the cases for reference.

There was a man with his brother. He was about 60 years of old, and his brother, about 50. One day in a winter, they stayed in a room with a coal stove in the middle room to burn for heat, with door and windows closed tightly. Up to the early spring, both men felt fullness in the chest, short of breath. Since the room was closed on the door and windor, , there was no outside air come in the room, the oxygen in the room was exhausted by the stove. … Doctor who took care of them did not that the reason for this condition is the Qi-sink, so as usually gave them Qi-breaking therapy. After take the herbs, the men felt more fullness and tightness in the chest. The doctor thought that the amount of the herbs might be not enough, so used more strong Qi-breaking herbs. After several doses, the old brother got difficulty to get up the bed, due to the mis-treatment. The younger brother’s condition became worse too, but could still hold. When I saw them, the pulse was weak and late, especially on the right side. The person said he felt cold in the heart and falling feeling on the lower abdomen, hard in breath. It was therefore known that the Qi has sunk, so they were given Shengxian Tang, with herb Shengma 6 gram was changed, Zhimu removed, and Ganjiang 9 gram added. After taking for two doses, the falling feeling on the lower abdomen stop, the breath was also easier. The Shengma, Chaihu and Jiegeng, all are changed to only 3 gram. Additional several more doses solved the condition completely.  

A man, 48 years of old, suffered from asthma for many years. The asthma recurred upon common cold every time. It can be twice to tree times a year. Doctors had given him Xiao Qinglong Tang plus Shigao. It worked each time. One, it recurred again. He suffered from the severe asthma day and night without stop. Doctor used the previous herbal formula, no any effect. When I was invited, I found his pulse being frequent as up to six times per breath-circle, with somehow deep and ru feeling. I suspected him having Yin deficiency with difficult to inhalate, so the Qi reversed up to cause the asthma.  Since his pulse was deep and ru, I dared not to use Qi-descending herbs. The herbal formula I prescribed contained Shoudi, Shanyao, Goujizi, Xuanshen, to nourish the Yin. I also asked him to take a small piece of Renshen, which is swallowed with the help of the cooked herbal tea. After three doses, the asthma appeared to be less, but still not stop. At the second visit, I saw that he asked other person to pound his back. He said he always felt tightness on the back. The tightness felt less after pounding, as well as easier the breath. His pulse was not frequent but still deep and ru. Upon asking again, he said that, the reason for this time was that he had had worked very hard to move heavy staff physically. He felt short of breath at that movement, but two to three days later he got the asthma again. I then realized suddenly that his condition was due to Yin deficiency, which is hard to inhale are in. The extensive labor work caused Big Qi sink, so he felt hard to exhale. For him, both inhalation and exhalation were difficult, so the use of Qi-restraining therapy alone soled only half of reason, so the asthma reduced half level. Then, he was given the Shengxian Tang, with the removal of Shengma, Chaihu and Jiegeng, but with the addition of Guizhi tips 9 gram and Xuanshen 12 gram, and with double of Zhimu. Several doses later, the condition was completely solved.

Comments: though this condition belongs to the Qi-sink, but it is combined with difficulty in the inhalation. The herb Shengma, Chaihu and Jiegeng, all can raise the Qi, and all are conflicting with the inhalation. Use of them may make things worse. The herb Guizhi is opening and dispersing in its herbal nature, can bring the True Qi up, and also bring bring the reversed Qi back and down. That Mater Zhang Zhongjing used the Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang is due to the Guizhi’s ability to raise the True Qi. In herbal formula of Guizhi Jia Gui Tang, it is used to suppress the reversed Qi down. It is also used to treat asthma, which has been indicated clearly in the book
)《Shengong Bencao Jing. It is only the Guizhi, that can either raise the Qi and suppress the reversed Qi. It is the only best herb in this formula (Shengxian Tang).

It may be asked, why the Guizhi has both Qi-raising and Qi-suppressing property? Answer: Due to its branch growing up rather than down, its color being red that belongs to Fire, so its nature being warm, so that it can raise the Qi. Due to its spicy taste, that belongs to Metal and so good at suppressing Liver Wood (reversed Qi moves up along with the Liver meridian), Guizhi can therefore suppress the reverse Qi down. The best herb, its marvelous effects are usually difficult to predict. After I developed Shenzhe Zhengqi Tang, I used Guizhi alone for treatment in a case. Readers can check.

A patient, about 20 years of old, had easy asthma with little physical activity, and had cough from time to time. He visited doctors for several years, the condition became worse. All believed that his condition would not be able to solve. His pulse was not thin or subtle, but hard to feel it open press. It is so known as a Qi-sink condition, the Qi is so weak to push the pulse out to form a waving pulse. He was given the Shengxian Tang, with addition of Renshen 9 gram and Tianmendong 9 gram. After several doses, the condition was well improved. Since he got this disease for a long time, the Shengma in the original formula has been removed. The formula was then prepared as pill with honey. He was asked to take the pills after several months for a maintenance. 


On patient, 24 years of old, felt fullness in the chest, cough day and night. He felt pain on the side of abdomen when cough. His pulse was calm, but it was mild and thin and weak when pressed hard. For his pain on the side of abdomen, together with the chest fullness, it was suspected to be Qi stagnation, so he was given little Qi-improving therapy. For the pulse being weak, herb Huangqi was used to help the Qi. After use of the herbs, the cough and the chest fullness were worse, with additional shacking voice in speak. I asked his disease history again in detail, knowing that he worked very hard in field. He did not eat regularly due to common cold, but continued the heavy labor work. So the condition occurred. For this history, again with the failure of the Qi-improving herbal formula, it was suspected to be Qi-sink condition. He was given the Shengxian Tang for four doses. The condition was completely solved.


Comments: This case is difficult to diagnosis. Since in the beginning, there was no detailed asking, the herbal therapy committed some mistake. It was lucky that the mistake did not go too far, so the correction of the therapy solved the problem. From this case, it is therefore known that, doctors should not make his/her prejudice to think things on granted. Doctors should ask the sick history in detail, to prevent any mistake.

 A patient, about 40 years of old, suffered from loss of voice for half year. He felt tightness on throat gradually. The throat was ulcer commonly. He dislikes wind and felt chilly. The clothes for winter can bear to summer without change. He had reduced diet, showed exhausting condition. He had visited various doctors without any improvement but worse. His pulse was slightly weak in the Chong position on both wrists, no up-waving feeling. It was diagnosed as Big Qi-sink. He was given the Shengxin Tang, with addition of Xuanshen 12 gram. Two doses later, throat was no longer tight. After removal of Shengma from the formula, the formula was taken for about ten doses, and the condition was completely solved.    

Mr. Zhang, who lived in Xifeng county and was 18 years of old, was sick for several years. He had poor sleep, reduced diet, weak arms and legs, short of breath. His pulse was weak on the Chong position, so it was diagnosed as Qi-sink condition. He was given Shengxian Tang. For his poor sleep, added processed Suanzaoren and Longyanrou 12 gram each in the original formula. After several days of herbal intake, the condition was solved. 

奉天于氏女,出嫁而孀,根据居娘门。因病还家中,夜忽不能言,并不能息。其同院住者王××,系愚门生,急来院扣门,求为援救。原素为诊脉调药,知其大气虚损,此次之证,确知其为大气下陷,遂为疏方,用生箭一两,当归四钱,升麻二钱,煎服,须臾即能言语。翌晨舁至院中,诊其脉沉迟微弱,其呼吸仍觉短气。遂将原方减升麻一钱,又加生山药知母各三钱,柴胡桔梗各一钱,连服数剂全愈。按此证,脉迟而仍用知母者,因大气下陷之脉大抵皆迟,非因寒凉而迟也,用知母以济黄 之热,则药性和平,始能久服无弊。
Mrs. Yu, who lived in Fengtian county, came to her mother’s home. She got sick and could not speak suddenly one night and felt hard to have breath. Mr. Wang, who was my student, lived in the same yard with her mother, hurried to me asking for help. Mr. Wang knew her and worked as her doctor before, so knowing that she was usually Qi deficiency. This time, her condition was believed to be Qi-sink. I gave her formula, which was Huangqi 30 gram, Danggui 12 gram, Shengma 6 gram. After drink of the herbal tea, she could speak pretty soon again. Next morning I met her again in the yard, I felt her pulse deep, late and weak. She still felt short of breath. So the formula was: Shengma 3 gram, Shanyao 9 gram, Zhimu 9 gram, Chaihu 3 gram, and Jiegeng 3 gram. After several days, the condition was solved. For this case, to use the Zhimu when the pulse was late (not mean slow, the slow pulse and the late pulse are different feeling and they bear different meaning).  The pulse due to Qi-sink is usually late, which is not due to cold-cool condition. The Zhimu is used to balance the hot from Huangqi, so that the whole formula is mild in nature and can be drink for a long time.


Mrs. Yuan, a young lady, felt burning in urethra, falling feeling on lower abdomen, which was worse when warmed with moxibustion. Her pulse was weak and subtle on the Chong position, while it was stronger on the Guan position. She felt short of breath, hot feeling in heart from time to time. It is suspected that she had out-coming Xie Qi in the body, that hold and hidden in the body. For a long time, the hidden Xie Qi turned into Fire, which followed the Sunk-Qi down to the lower part of the body. The patient was given Shengxian Tang, with addition of Shigao 24 gram, which as later increased to 60 gram. After about ten days, the condition was fixed completely.


Question: In the Qi-sink, the person feels air not up; in the asthma, he feels air not down. Why in the above cases, the patient with the Qi-sink condition feels hard to breath, as having asthma?

Answer: this question is not easy to answer by short words. Let’s see a example of a success case.


One patient, about 20 years of old, worked very hard in farm, so he got the Qi-sink condition. He had poor diet, complained fullness in chest, though it was only fullness but not short of breath. Patients, if not good to describe his suffering, usually tell doctor a unclear feeling. The previous doctor was unable to identify the reason, and he gave the patient Qi-opening therapy, which made the condition worse. Later the half-nourishing and half-opening therapy was used. After two doses, the condition became worse again. A following doctor used Jiegeng, Danggui and Muxiang, several gram for each, the condition was much improved. In the formula, it was the herb Jiegeng, that raises the Qi up. The doctor did not know the reason. In following formula, he changed the Jiegeng to Sougeng, so the nature of the formula changed from raising to suppressing, the patient’s condition became worse again. Then he dared not to take any therapy more.

迟延二十余日,病势垂危,喘不能卧,昼夜倚壁而坐;假寐片时,气息即停,心下突然胀起,急呼醒之,连连喘息数口,气息始稍续;倦极偶卧片时,觉腹中重千斤,不能转侧,且不敢仰卧;其脉乍有乍无,寸关尺或一部独见,或两部同见,又皆一再动而止。此病之危,已至极点。因确知其为大气下陷,遂放胆投以生箭 一两,柴胡升麻、净萸肉各二钱。煎服片时,腹中大响一阵,有似昏愦,苏息片时,恍然醒悟。自此呼吸复常,可以安卧,转侧轻松。其六脉皆见,仍有雀啄之象。自言百病皆除,惟觉胸中烦热,遂将方中升麻柴胡皆改用钱半,又加知母玄参各六钱,服后脉遂复常。惟左关三五不调,知其气分之根柢犹未实也,遂用野台参一两,玄参天冬麦冬(带心)各三钱,两剂全愈。

After delay for about 20 days, the condition was much worse to threaten the life. He had asthma and hard to lie down. He could only lie on the wall for a short sleep, since once he falled sleep for a movement, the breath would stop, he would feel fullness in the stomach area, he cried awake, had hurry breath several times, so the breath could continue. When he was very tired, he felt very heavy in the abdomen, hard to turn his body, so that he dared not to lie with face up. His pulse could be felt some, but not other times. The pulse could be felt only on one or two position on the wrist, but stop soon again. The risk of the disease reached to the peak. Since it was sure that this was the Qi-sink condition, he was given Huangqi 30 gram, Chaihu 6 gram, Shengma 6 gram, Shanyurou 6 gram. After drinking of the tea for a movement, he had big sound in his abdomen for some times. He looked as coma, but soon waked up. From then his breath waas as normal and could lie down face up and could turn body easily. His pulse turned being felt, though it felt as the bird biting. He said his condition was much better, though only felt hot in the chest. So, in the following formula, herb Shengma and Chaihu were changed to only 4.5 gram, with addition of Zhimu 18 gram, Xuanshen 18 gram. The therapy improved his pulse, thoug the rhythm of the left pulse was still irregule, which was known as the root of the Qi was not enhanced yet. Then herbal formula with wild Taishen 30 gram, Xuanshen 9 gram, Tianmendong 9 gram, maidong 9 gram, was used. Two doses of this formula solved the last problem.


It is the Big Qi in the chest that dominates the breath. In this case, the Big Qi sunk to much, so the breath is to stop. The person has to try to breath to save his own life, appearing as asthma, but it is not real asthma. The two conditions are much different. This is evidenced by the fact that, when the person falls into sleep for only a movement, the lung cannot continue to have breath hard, the inhalation and exhalation stops. It would be very dangerous, when the therapy that is used to treat the asthma is used for treat the Qi-sink condition, or when the therapy that should be used to treat the Qi-sink condition is used to treat asthma. There is concrete way to identify these two conditions: in the asthma, no matter it is due to the outside Xieqi invasion, or to inside organ damages, the person would raise his should to have breath in severe cases. In Qi-sink condition, though the person may have noise in breath, he has no such shoulder raising phenomena in breath. The shoulder raising is due the difficulty in inhalation, while no such shoulder raising is due to the difficulty being in the exhalation. Readers can try by your self to experience the difference, by trying difficulty in inhalation or exhalation. Again, the pulse in the asthma is usually frequent, or is floating-slippery, or the pulse is weak in the Chi position but strong in the Chong position. In the Qi-sink condition, it is stronger in the Chi position, but weak in the Chong position.  

A person, about 40 years of old, had blood-vomit twice or three times per year. This has been repeated for four years. The symptoms appears worse and worse each year. He usually had cough with large amount of phlegm. He felt as asthma with little physical activity. His pulse was deep and late and weak mostly in the right side. It was known that his condition belongs to Qi-sink. He was given Shengxian Tang, with removal of herb Longgu, Muli and Shengdi, each for 18 gram, and with the change of Zhimu to 15 gram. Continued this formula for three doses, the condition was completely solved. So the herb Shengma was removed from the formula. He was asked to take additional several doses for a maintenance.

Question: the blood-vomit is usually caused by Qi-reverse, in which the blood follows the reversed Qi up. The case here is due to the Qi-sink, it should be bleeding in the stool or urine, how does it show as vomit?

Answer: This is because the Qi-sink makes the lung have no nourishment, so there is continuous cough, and so much so to cause bleeding from the cough. When the Big Qi sunk, the other Qi in the body lost their governer to them. They therefore are easier to move reverse up. There is even a condition, in which the reversed Qi rushes up in the lung, and suppress the Big Qi sink down (see the statement for herbal formula Shenzhe Zhengqi Tang). For the bleeding from the urine or stool, it is very common in the Qi-sink condition. In women, it can also show as heavy bleeding from uterus. (see discussion in detail for herbal formula of Guchong Tang). In addition, there is condition, in which the menstruation blood hushes up reversely to the nose or stomach, causing bleeding from the nose or vomit. (see discussion for Maimendong Tang). Therefore, it is known that, if the Big Qi is sunk, other Qi in the body lost their leader/supervisor, moves up or down to cause various bleeding, rather than only one kind of bleeding.

或问:龙骨牡蛎为收涩之品,大气陷者宜升提,不宜收涩。今方中重用二药,皆至六钱,独不虑其收涩之性,有碍大气之升乎?答曰:龙骨牡蛎最能摄血之本源。此证若但知升其大气,恐血随升气之药复妄动,于升陷汤中,加此二药,所以兼顾其血也。且大气下陷后,虑其耗散,有龙骨牡蛎以收敛之,转能辅升陷汤之所不逮。况龙骨善化瘀血(《神农本草经》主 瘕),牡蛎善消坚结(观其治瘰 可知)。二药并用,能使血之未离经者,永安其宅,血之已离经者,尽化其滞。加于升陷汤中,以治气陷兼吐血之证,非至稳善之妙药乎。
It may be asked, the herb Longgu and Muli belongs to restraining herbs, they should not be used in the Qi-sink condition, since in this condition, it needs Qi-raising herbs. Now, the Shengxian Tang contains large amount of the two herbs, up to 18 gram, you don’t worry that their restraining nature may prevent the Qi raising by the whole formula? Answer: The herb Longgu and Muli is powerful herb to restrain the root of blood. For fear that the other herbs in the formula raise the Qi, which may cause the blood rush up to cause some other problems, the two herbs are used for the prevention of the blood rushing up. Also, after the Qi sunk, for fear it may disperse off, so the two herbs can work to restrain it back in the body. The herb Longgu is good at solve/melt the stagnated/dead blood, and the Muli good at solve/melt the mass in the body. The combination of them could make the blood stay inside the blood vessels if they are still in the vessels, and make the bleed/dad blood disappear if the blood has left away from the blood vessels. So, the addition of them in the Shengxian Tang to treat the bleeding in the Qi-sink condition, should be a marvelous idea.

Comments: in blood-vomit condition, it is forbidden to use the herb Shengma. In the Qi-sink condition with bleeding, the Shengma is still used, since there are Longgu and Muli to prevent the over raising effect by the Shengma. If still worry the use of the Shengma, it can be removed, but with addition of Chaihu to repace it.

One patient, about 40 years of old, had harsh in urine, swelling in whole body especially bellow the lower back. He also had cough and phlegm. He could not have breath when the cough and phlegm were severe. There was blood in the phlegm, as well as in the urine. The disease has been delayed for some time, and he tried several doctors for the treatment too, but eh condition became worse.

In the herbal formula gave to him, it contained Huashi, Baishao to clear the Wetness and Hot, the Chaihu, Ruxiang and Muoyao, to open the Qi moving channels. For his long sick history, the losing function of the herbs may not be so easy, so added Shanyao to fix the Qi and the Yin. With the help of the herbal tea, drink 6 gram of herb Sanqi, to clear Xie Qi in the blood. After several doses, the Hot and the phlegm were reduced, but the urine was still harsh, not smooth. Occasionally during the clinic healing, it was noticed that, when he got up from the lying down to sitting up, it was hard for him, so he needed to have asthma-like breath for some time, then the breath felt better. In addition, his pulse was slippery and strong before, but it was in the deep position. Now, due to the reduction of the Fire, the slippery feeling on the pulse was reduced, but there was a feeling of ru in the pulse. It was suddenly realized that, this was a condition of Qi-sink. S, he was given the Shengxian Tang, in which the Zhimu was changed to 18 gram, with the addition of Xuanshen 15 gram, Mutong 6 gram. One doses made the urine smooth. Additional several doses solved the problem completely.

一人,年四十七。咳嗽短气,大汗如洗,昼夜不止,心中怔忡,病势危急。遣人询方,俾先用山萸肉(去净核)二两煎服,以止其汗。翌日迎愚诊视,其脉微弱欲无,呼吸略似迫促。自言大汗虽止,而仍有出汗之时,怔忡见轻,仍觉短气。知其确系大气下陷,遂投以升陷汤,为其有汗,加龙骨牡蛎(皆不用 )各五钱,三剂而愈。

One patient, about 47 years of old, had cough and short of breath. He had sweat as washing, day and night. He felt palpitation. He was in a very life-threaten condition. He send someone come to ask for therapy. He was given Shangyurou 60 gram to cook and to drink, to stop sweat. Next day, when I came to him, his pulse was subtle and weak, the breath appeared some level of short. He said that the big sweat stop but still have mild sweat from time to time. The palpitation was reduced but still had short of breath. It was therefore known that his condition belongs to Qi-sink. He was so given Shengxian Tang, with Longgu 15 gram, and Muli 15 gram. Three doses solved his problem. 

A lady, about 20 years of old, was slim and thin. Due to fire in her yard, she was scared very much, then felt short of breath and palpitation. This symptom was much worse after eating and she tended to have long sign. Her pulse was calm, but it was deep in right side. It was so believed to be the Qi-sink condition, due to the scare, which make the Qi sink. In the book
《内经》, it said that fear/scare makes the Qi sink. She was therefore given the Shengxian Tang. For her palpitation, it was added Longyanrou 15 gram. Four doses solved her condition.

A lady, about 20 years of old, felt frequent angry due to her living environment. She felt short of breath, dry throat to thirsty. When the condition was worse, she felt as the breath was to stop. Only after hard to breath, could she felt better inhalation and exhalation. Her pulse in the left side was normal but it in the right side came late and disappeared soon and hardly to touch the fingers of doctor. This is the Qi-sink condition. Due to the sink of the Qi, it cannot pump the pulse up to form a waving pulse. She was given the Shengxian Tang, with the change of Zhimu to 18 gram. After three dose intakes, her condition was improved half, and her pulse on the right side became stronger. Then the Shengma was removed from the formula. The modified formula was continued take for several additional doses and the condition was completely solved.  

It may be asked: in the book
Nei Jing, it said that scare would cause the Qi to sink. It has been discussed and explained in the previous cases. In this book, it also said that angry causes reverse of Qi. How it conflicts with your explanation in this case, in which frequent angry caused the sink of the Qi? Answer: in the book stating that angry causes reverse of Qi, the Qi means the Liver-Gall Bladder Qi, not the Big Qi. When the Liver-Gall Bladder Qi rushes up,  the Big Qi may rush up too. So, when a person feels angry, he usually feels dizziness, the Big Qi is exhalated out but hard to inhalated in for some time. This is due to the Big Qi rushes reversely up. There is also a condition, in which the Liver-Gall Bladder Qi rushes up, which suppresses the Big Qi down. There is case report listed under my Shenzhe Zhengqi Tang. The Big Qi depends on the diet Qi to nourish. If the person has frequent angry, his diet would be poor. The Big Qi gets damage in a silent manner and is easy to be suppressed by the reversed Liver Qi.

一妇人,因临盆努力过甚,产后数日,胁下作疼,又十余日,更发寒热。其翁知医,投以生化汤两剂,病大见愈。迟数日,寒热又作。遂延他医调治,以为产后瘀血为恙,又兼受寒,于活血化瘀药中,重加干姜。数剂后,寒热益甚,连连饮水,不能解渴。时当仲夏,身热如炙,又复严裹浓被,略以展动,即觉冷气侵肤。后愚诊视,左脉沉细欲无,右脉沉紧,皆有数象。知其大气下陷,又为热药所伤也。其从前服生化汤觉轻者,全得芎 升提之力也。治以升陷汤,将方中知母改用八钱,又加玄参六钱,一剂而寒热已,亦不作渴。从前两日不食,至此遂能饮食。惟胁下微疼,继服拙拟理郁升陷汤,二剂全愈。
A woman felt pain in the side of abdomen several days after childbirth, due to heavy labor. About ten days later, she got cold-hot shift. His husband who knew some medicine gave her herbal formula Shenghua Tang two doses. The condition was much improved. Later several days, the cold-hot feeling occurred again. So she was introduced to another doctor for treatment. The second doctor thought her condition was due to the blood stagnation, together with cold-invasion, added in his formula the herbal Ganjiang. Several doses later, the cold-hot feeling was much worse. She drunk water again and again but still felt thirsty. That was in summer. Her body was hot as burning but wanted to cover the body with heavy covering. With very little movement, she would feel cold deep in the muscle. When I saw her, her left pulse was deep, thin near no pulse, right pulse was deep and tight. Both pulses were frequent (not means fast). I thought it the Qi-sink condition, which was again damaged by the hot herbs. The improvement of her condition, previously when she took the Shenghua Tang, was due to the Qi-raising effect of the herbs in that formula. She was then given Shengxian Tang, with the change of herb Zhimu into 24 gram, and the addition of Xuanshen 18 gram. One dose made her cold-hot shift stop, as well as the thirsty feeling. She could not eat in previous two days, not she can start to eat. She felt only pain on the side of the abdomen. She was given Liyu Shengxian Tang two doses. Everything turned normal after that intake.  

Comments: Commonly, the herb Zhimu would not be used in woman after childbirth, unless if she gets Cold- or Wind-invasions (common cold). However, herb Xuanshen is used in such condition, since this herb is originally used in woman to produce milk, as clearly indicated in the book
Shennong Bencao Jing. The condition for this woman occurred several months after the childbirth, so the herb Zhimu was decided to use.

It may be asked: tight pulse is the evidence for Cold-invasion in the body, so as indicated in the Shanghan Mahuang Tang, in which the pulse is deep and strong. This condition was damaged by hot herbs, how her right pulse was deep and tight? Answer: deep and tight pulse means the pulse is deep and strong. The tight feeling feels as big waving. In this case, for the Big Qi-sink, the pulse could not jump up as such waving feeling, though there is Shi Hot in the body, so the pulse is tight but not as waving. Such pulse can be only felt on the right side, since the hot from the herb Ganjian, would work first in the Stomach.  

Comments: String pulse means the pulse feels as a tight line, without waving feeling. It the pulse feels as string and strong, it is called tight pulse. If it is only string, it indicates Cold in the body. In Master Zhang Zhongjing’s book, it is said that “String pulse on both wrists suggests Cold in the body; string pulse on one side suggests Yin (water) condition.” However, the Yin (water) condition belongs to diluted saliva/phlegm, which is also mostly due to Cold in the body.

一妇人,年三十余。得下痿证,两腿痿废,不能屈伸,上半身常常自汗,胸中短气,少腹下坠,小便不利,寝不能寐。延医治疗数月,病势转增。诊其脉细如丝,右手尤甚。知其系胸中大气下陷,欲为疏方。病家疑而问曰:大气下陷之说,从前医者,皆未言及。然病之本源,既为大气下陷,何以有种种诸证乎?答曰:人之大气虽在胸中,实能统摄全身,今因大气下陷,全身无所统摄,肢体遂有废而不举之处,此两腿之所以痿废也。其自汗者,大气既陷,外卫之气亦虚也。其不寐者,大气既陷,神魂无所根据附也。小便不利者,三焦之气化,不升则不降,上焦不能如雾,下焦即不能如渎也。至于胸中短气,少腹下坠,又为大气下陷之明征也。遂治以升陷汤,因其自汗,加龙骨牡蛎(皆不用 )各五钱,两剂汗止,腿稍能屈伸,诸病亦见愈。继服拙拟理郁升陷汤数剂,两腿渐能着力。然痿废既久,病在筋脉,非旦夕所能脱然。俾用舒筋通脉之品,制作丸药,久久服之,庶能全愈。
A woman, about 30 years of old, got paralysis on her legs, which could not bend or strech. She has frequent sweat on the upper half body, felt short of breath in the chest, falling feeling on the lower abdomen, harsh urine, and poor sleep. She visited doctors for several months for the treatment, but the condition only became worse. Her pulse was thin as string, especially on the right side. It was diagnosed as Qi-sink condition. I was to write a prescription for her, when her family member asked: “Previous doctors never mentioned the Qi-sink condition. If it is, what kinds of clinic manifestations it might have? The answer is: though the Big Qi is located in the chest, it can govern the whole body. Now, when it sinks, it cannot govern the whole body, so that the extremes loss their function. This is the reason for the paralysis in her legs. The sweat is because, when the Qi-sink, the out-defending Qi is also weak. The poor sleep is due to the Spirit having nowhere to attach in the Qi-sink condition. The harsh urine is due to the Qi in the three Jiao failing to raise. If it could be raise, it would be able to fall down to create urine. The short of breath in the chest and falling feeling in the lower abdomen are the clear evidence for the Qi-sink. For all of these reasons, she was given Shengxian Tang. Due to the sweat, herb Longgu 15 gram, and Muli 15 gram was used. After two doses, the sweat stoped and the leg could stretch and bend little bit more. Continued take of the Liyu Shengxian Tang for several more doses, the leg had more power and force. However, since the paralysis has been there for a long time, the damage is more on the tendons, and it is not easy to get recover in a short time. She was later given herb pills for a long time take.

一妇人,年三十许。胸中满闷,不能饮食。医者纯用开破之药数剂,忽然寒热,脉变为迟。医者见脉迟,又兼寒热,方中加黄 桂枝干姜各数钱,而仍多用破气之药。购药未服,愚应其邻家延请,适至其村,病家求为诊视,其脉迟而且弱,问其呼吸觉短气乎?答曰:今于服药数剂后,新添此证。知其胸中大气因服破气之药下陷。时医者在座,不便另为疏方,遂谓医曰:子方中所加之药,极为对证,然此时其胸中大气下陷,破气药分毫不可再用。遂单将所加之黄 桂枝干姜煎服。寒热顿已,呼吸亦觉畅舒。后医者即方略为加减,又服数剂全愈。
 A woman, abut 30 years of old, felt fullness in the chest and hard to eat. Doctors had used Qi-breaking therapy several doses, she suddenly felt cold and hot and her pulse became late. The doctor saw the pulse being late, together with the cold and hot, so added herb Huangqi, Guizhi and Ganjian in the formula, but still with more Qi-breaking herbs in it. Before she took that herbs, I was invited to see her. Her pulse was late and weak. When asked if she feel short of breath, she said yes, which happened after take that herbal tea. It is therefore diagnosed as the Qi-sink condition due to the use of the Qi-break herbs. … I asked her to take the Huangqi, Guizhi and Ganjiang to cook and to drink. After took the herbal tea, the cold-hot stopped and the breath became more smooth. That doctor modified on this base little for several doses. The condition was well improved.

Mr. Gao, one of my students, treated one patient before. The patient, about 30 years of old, had Qi-sink condition due to heavy labor work. He felt cold-hot shift, frequent short of breath, heavy sweat, headache and dry mouth. He liked cool room and feel drowsy. For a long time of delay in the recovery, he could not get up the bed. Doctors mis-regarded his condition as Liver Qi stagnation, giving him herbal formula containing Biejia, Zhishi and Maiya, but the condition became worse. His pulse was hard to touch on the left side, and very weak on the right side. It was known as Qi-sink condition. He was prescribed the Shengxian Tang, with addition of Renshen 9 gram. After taking only one dose, the pulse could be touched on the left side. The herb Zhimu in the formula was changed to 15 gram. Several doses later, the condition got recovered completely.

Mr. Gao also treated another patient, who was about 30 years of old. The patient felt short of breath in the chest, frequent sweat. If the condition was severe, he may loss consciousness and waked up after a movement. He could also feel scare to wake up. His pulse was very weak. It was diagnosed as Qi-sink. She was given the Shengxian Tang, with the change of herb Zhimu into 15 gram, and with addition of Renshen 9 gram, Shanyurou 9 gram. After take of the herbal tea for several doses, the condition recovered completely.

The Qi-sink condition is not always necessary to be caused by deterioration of inside organs.  It can also be caused by outside Xieqi invasion. One man, about 40 years of old, suffered from an infectious disease. He had been visiting doctors for the treatment for some time but the condition became worse. When I saw him, he even lost his consciousness. His eye was pale; his tongue was very dry, and had no any tongue covering. There was no any response to asking (she could not speak). The whole body was cold. For her breath, after every five to six times of breath, she had to have a long sign. Her pulse was subtle and weak, and late. This was also the Qi-sink condition. The Big Qi can not reach the brain so to cause loss of consciousness. It can not wet the tongue, so the tongue is dry. Due to the loss of consciousness and dry tongue, she cannot speak. The Big Qi sunk, it cannot disperse to the Yin and Wei of the body, so the body was cold. After the Qi sunk, there was less Qi in the Chest, so she had to have a long sign from time to time to smooth the air coming in and out of the chest. She was given herb wild Taishen 30 gram, Chaihu 6 gram to cook and to drink. One dose made her condition much better and two doses solved her problem.


Comments: this patient had high fever before. After treatment by other doctors, the fever was solved, but the energy level was very low. The previous doctors though it was difficult to treat, so refused to continue. The family members of the patient also though there was not way to help. For the later about ten days, the condition was the same, so they thought there might have chance to treat. Then they asked me to have a look at that woman. It was lucky that the therapy used was correct, so the effect was pretty good. It is therefore known that if the herbs can save the life, if they are used matching the patient’s condition.

Second comments: for this case, if the doctor has no concept of the Qi-sink in mind, he/she might start to use the herbs, such as Shoudi, Ajiao and Goujizi, since the patient had dry tongue. These herbs have sticky nature, tending to fill up the chest. By this, how could the sunk Qi rise again into the chest? I wish our doctors bear the concept of the Qi-sink in mind, whenever you meet a patient with Qi stagnation symptom. Be careful to identify the clinic manifestation, so that patient’s life might be saved again in a short time.


A patient, about 30 years of old, got a Wen disease in early summer. Doctors used cooling herbs to solve the problem, with the additional use of herb Zhishi and Qingpi to break the Qi. The formula had been taken for several doses. The patient developed into loss of consciousness, and chattering. Another doctor saw him and believed he had had inside Wind condition, so refused to continue the treatment. When I saw him, his pulse was five time per breath-circle. It felt weak on light tough, but seemed strong when heavily touched. The tongue covering was slight yellow. The body muscle was not hot. It was believed that the Wen Xie had had sunk deep due to the use of the Qi-breaking therapy, so it could not move out. So I prescribed her the herb formula: Shigao 60 gram, Zhimu 30 gram, and wild Taishen 30 gram. From the noon to the evening, she took two of this dose. The next day, she felt clear in mind, and could eat some. She ate five times within half day, but still felt hungry and wanted to eat. The helper dared not to give her more food to eat. She so had whole body shacking and had delirious chat. The helper suspected the condition returned, so asked me have a look again. … Her pulse was calm, though weak upon light touch. I suddenly realized that her Big Qi sunk, due to the use of Qi-breaking herbs. It has not raised up yet, though I had used Renshen several times. Her body was eager to get help for the Qi from diet. The stomach Qi, due to loss of control/govern by the Big Qi, moves without regulation, and rushed down quickly to cause easy hungry feeling. She was given wild Taishen 30 gram, Maimendong 9 gram, and Chaihu 6 gram. The problems all were solved.

或问:子所治大气下陷证,有两日不食者,有饮食减少者。此证亦大气下陷,何以转能多食?答曰:事有常变,病亦有常变。王清任《医林改错》载有所治胸中瘀血二案:一则胸不能着物,一则非以物重压其胸不安,皆治以血腑逐瘀汤而愈。夫同一胸中瘀血,其病状竟若斯悬殊,故同一大气之下陷也,其脾胃若因大气下陷,而运化之力减者,必然少食;若大气下陷,脾胃之气亦欲陷者,或转至多食。曾治一少妇,忽然饮食甚多,一时觉饥不食,即心中怔忡。医者以为中消证,屡治不效。向愚询方,疑其胸中大气下陷,为开升陷汤方,加龙骨牡蛎(皆不用 )各五钱,数剂而愈。盖病因虽同,而病之情状,恒因人之资禀不同,而有变易。斯在临证者,细心体察耳。
It may be asked: in your Qi-sink cases, some felt no appetite and ate nothing for two to three day; some had reduced eating; how could the patient has increased appetitie and craved for eating? Answer: everything could have exception, so could the disease/symptoms. Dr. Wang Qinren in his book
Yilin Gaicuointroduced two cases with blood stagnation in the chest. One patient cannot bear any pressure on his chest. another one wants a heavy pressure on his chest. Both cases were solved with the same herbal formula Xuefu Zhuyu Tang. You see, the same reason for the blood stagnation showed opposite and different symptoms. For the same reason, in the Qi-sink, if the Spleen-stomach has reduced digestion ability, the person has reduced eating; if the Spleen-stomach Qi also fall along with the Big Qi, the person could then have increased eating and strong craving. There has been a case. The patient was a lady. She ate very much every day. If she did not eat for a movement, she would feel palpitation. Doctors though she has Xiaoke condition[1], so the following therapy to her none worked. When she visited me, I thought she might have the Qi-sink condition. I gave her formula Shengxian Tang, in which the Longgu was 15 gram, and Muli 15 gram too. Several doses solved her problem. All of these suggest that, for the same disease entity, the clinic manifestations could be largely variable and even opposite from person to person for different body constitution. Medical stuff should be careful in the work.

Comments: this case, as well as the previous cases, belongs to Qi-sink condition. All conditions followed the Cold-invasion or Wind-invasion, so in the formula, the herb Renshen was used, but not herb Huangqi. The Cold-Wind invasion tends to exhaust body Jingye, while the Renshen is good at nourishing Qi, as well as creating more Jingye. This is the reason that in the Shanghan Lun, it was used the Renshen, not Huangqi, in case there is Qi deficiency.

The cases introduced above are the successful examples of Qi-sink. In fact, there are many Qi-sink conditions that has been mis-diagnosed and mis-treated. Here we introduce some, to remind our doctors in clinic.

One autumn, I worked in Changzhou. There a mane named Mr. Zhao, who visited me and told me he had some questions to ask me. I asked what question. He said: his sister came to him in this city half month ago. Several days later, she died without disease. Why, and what might be the reason. I said, she must have a disease, but you did not know yet. He said: the day before she died, she felt stiff in the throat. Her pulse was deep and thin, I suspected she had stagnated Qi in the chest. So, I prescribed a Qi-breaking formula to her. The next day, she did not feel any improvement or worse, but said she would not take any medicine more. Soon she died when she sit on the bed. Her tight throat was not very severe, so it was thought no disease. I said: her condition belongs to Qi-sink. I had case records in my luggage for the Qi-sink, so I got take them out to show him and explained it for him. He cried that it was his mistake.

One person, about 30 years of old, felt short of breath and fullness in the chest. Doctors gave him Qi-opening therapy. He felt kind of improvement. Doctor thought the treatment was correct. In the second formula, he used Qi-breaking herbs. At night, the patient went to the washroom. He could not get up after bowel movement. He was helped to the bed, without clear consciousness, and without response upon calling. Pretty soon, he opened mouth exhalation, as a yawn. After several days, the person died. Later, his brother told me the treatment history and asked what disease it was? I explained him the Qi-sink, its reason, and the correct treatment for him. His brother signed again and again and felt very regret.

One farm lady, about 50 years of old, was very busy in the house work.  She gradually felt harsh in breath, urgent in breath. Doctor thought she has asthma due to Qi-reverse, so prescribed Qi-restraining and Qi-suppressing herbal formula. She felt more urgent in breath. The sound of her breath could be heard outside of the house. When I saw her, her pulse could be touched on both wrists. I tried to prescribe herbs for her, but she died before the herbs were bought back. This is also a Qi-sink condition. The urgent breath is the sign of breath is to stop, so the body tried hard to save by itself. When the doctor used Qi-suppressing herbs, it made the condition worse. How wrong it is!

一诸生,年五十六,为学校教员,每讲说后,即觉短气,向愚询方。愚曰,此胸中大气,虚而欲陷,为至紧要之证,当多服升补气分之药。彼欲用烧酒炖药,谓朝夕服之甚便。愚曰,如此亦可,然必须将药炖浓,多饮且常饮耳。遂为疏方,用生黄 四两、野台参二两,柴胡桔梗各八钱,先用黄酒斤许,煎药十余沸,再用烧酒二斤,同贮瓶中,置甑中炖开,每饭前饮之,旬日而愈。后因病愈,置不复饮。隔年,一日步行二里许,自校至家,似有气息迫促之状,不能言语,倏忽而亡。盖其身体素胖,艰于行步,胸中大气,素有欲陷之机,因行动劳苦,而遂下陷,此诚《内经》所谓大气入于脏腑,不病而猝死者也。方书有气厥,中气诸名目,大抵皆大气下陷之证,特未窥《内经》之旨,而妄为议论耳。
One man, about 56 years of old, was a teacher. He felt short of breath, the movement he talked. He asked me for help. I said, his condition belonged to Qi-sink, which was a urgent condition needing improvement soon. He should take more Qi-raising herbs. He wanted to use the liquor to cook the herbs, for the aim that the herb tea would be easy to take. I said, you can do that way, but the herbal tea should be condensed. It should be taken for a longer time. The herbal formula I prescribed to him contains: Huangqi 120 gram, Wild Taishen 60 gram, Chaihu 24 gram, and Jiegeng 24 gram. The herbs were cooked with wine 250 ml for tens of boiling. The mixture were then mixed with 500 ml of wine again, and saved in a bottle. Put the bottle in a big pot, add water in the pot, brought to boil. Drink the herbal tea before every meal. Several days later, the condition was improved well. So stopped the drink. Next year, he walked two miles from the school to home, with some level of short of breath, hard to speak, and died suddenly. The person is overweight, hard to walk usually, the Big Qi in the chest had tendency to sink. Due to his hard walk, the Big Qi sunk then. This is what said in the book
Nei Jingthat, “If the Big Qi moves into the organs, the person would die suddenly without disease.” In some medical books, there are terms, such as Qi Jue or Zhong Qi. They are about the Qi-sink condition. The authors did not understand the meaning of the Nei Jingso discussed in a wrong way.


Comment: In the book Nei Jing, there is the term “Qi Jue”. It means the Qi rushing up reversely, not the meaning of “Qi Jue” used by later doctors.

It might be asked: in the cases introduced, the reason and clinic manifestations for the Qi-sink are clear. But, for its pulse, it might be shown sometimes on the lift side, and in other cases, it was on the right side, or on both sides. The pulse was mostly a late pulse, but in same cases, it was frequent. Why for the same Qi-sink condition, the pulse was different? Answer: The Big Qi is located in the chest, near more closely to the lung. The pulse of the lung is on the right side, so in the Qi-sink condition, the pulse on the right side is weaker. However, the body Yuan Qi moves from the Kidney to the Liver, then from the Liver to the chest. The Yuan Qi is the root, and the base for the Big Qi  in the chest. If the person for a long time had weakness in the Liver and Kidney, or if he/she took Liver Qi-breaking herbs too much, the left pulse would also be weak, as introduced in the case above, in which the pulse could not be touched on both side, or the left pulse was deep and thin (almost could not touch), or the pulse on the Chun position of the lift side is irregular. The reason for its late pulse, with sometimes frequent, is due to the Yin deficiency, or ot the Hot from the fire from invasion by out-coming Xie Qi, or to the damage by the hot herbs. It was the accompanying pulse, not the original pulse of the Qi-sink.


I might also be asked: the herbal formula of Buzhong Yiqi Tang, by doctor Li Zhonghen works for hot body, chilly, annoyed feeling, lazy to talk, or asthma, or thirsty, or Yang deficient sweat. Such symptoms can also be found in the Qi-sink condition you introduced. In talking about the distinguish of the out-coming Xie Qi invasion or the damage of inside organs, it is mentioned that in the inside damage condition, the person would feel short of breath, which is much similar to the Qi-sink condition. The herbal ingredients used in his formula are also very similar to what you used in the Shengxian Tang. Why the name of his formula is called Buzhong Yiqi Tang, which is claimed to raise the Zhong Qi (e.g. the Middle Qi), not mention to raise the Big Qi? Answer: the term Big Qi, though can be found in the book Nei Jing- Souwen, means the out-invading Xie Qi, not the Big Qi in the chest. The Big Qi mentioned in the book Ling Su, though means the Big Qi, was not paid attention by doctors when they read the book, since they thought that Ling Suis a book for acupuncture. Dr. Wang made explanation of the book Nei Jing, but he only explained the Ling Sunot the Su Wenpart. This part is hard to understand, without good explanation, so that the later doctors tended not to read it any longer.  

Upon to the Master’s book
Shang Hanand Jin Kui, only in the chapter of Water-steam in theJin Kui, is there the statement “When the Big Qi turns, the Qi dispersed”. No any mention about the Big Qi, in the books, such as Nan Jing》、《Qian Jin》、andWai Tai. So, Doctor Zhang Donghen mis-regarded the Qi-sink as the Middle Qi sink condition, so used Baizhu to nourish the Spleen-Stomah. The later doctors followed his way to nourish the Spleen-Stomach. Though the Middle Qi (in the Spleen-Stomach) has time to sink, but it is not as dangerous as the sink of the Big Qi (in the chest). There could be case, in which the patient has long term of diarrhea due to the sink of the Middle Qi, then turned to be the sink of the Big Qi. In such case, it can be recommended to follow Dr. Zhang Donghen’s Buzhong Yiqi Tang, to my Shengxian Tang, remove the herb Zhimu, but add Baizhu several grams. If there is only the sink of the Big Qi, not accompanied the sink of the Middle Qi, the herb Baizhu does not neede to add, for the consideration that, the combination of the Huangqi and Baizhu in one formula may cause fullness in the body, since there may have chance that the body has already had Qi stagnation.


Comments: the asthma treated by the herbal Buzhong Yiqi Tang is the condition, in which the patient with Big Qi tried to have breath. If it is true asthma, the herb Jiegeng should not be used, not to speak of the Shengma. When I was young and when I read book by Dr. Donghen, I had had doubt about this. Later, when I realize the meaning of the Qi-sink, I realized the mistake of him, and felt that his statement is not so correct. For example, if the doctor really believe that the Buzhong Yiqi Tang can be used in the treatment of asthma, and use it in an asthma due to the Qi-reverse, wouldn’t it be dangerous? This is a question about life, doctor must be clear about it in clinic work.  


Letter from Mr. Zhang, from Qing county, Zhili province:

A lady, about 60 years of old, suffered from Liver stagnation, which developed into the chest to cause the Qi-sink condition. She felt short of breath, so she breathed very hard, appearing as asthma; dry throat and thirsty; palpitation and fullness in the chest; and deep the weak pulse. It was known that she had Qi-sink, which was so severe that her breath might stop, and the Shengxian Tang is the only thing could save her. I followed the Shengxian Tang formula, doubled the herb Shenma. After take of one dose, she spilt out several bowls of phlegm and felt much release in the chest. Then in the formula, added Banxia, Chenpi. Three doses later, the whole condition was much improved. In this condition, due to the Qi-sink, there was no Big Qi to adjust the Middle Qi, so there accumulated Phlegm. After drinking of the herbs, the Big Qi restored, so the Middle Qi could function to move the phlegm out. This is the meaning in the
Jin Kui “When the Big Qi turns, the Qi (e.g. the Water-steam Qi, e.g. the phlegm and saliva) dispersed”. Later I saw many cases with the Qi-sink condition. All are solved with the Shengxian Tang.



Letter from Mr. Zhang, Lun county, Hebei province:


A lady, about 40 years of old, my relative, was weak in the body condition. She felt sadness and depression for her poor family environment. One day in an October, she got severe headache. It lasted for three days. I was then invited to have a look at her. She groaned continuously, hard to get up. I was told that she got acupuncture on her Baihui and Taiyang points, none worked. Her left pulse was subtle and weak as silk, which disappeared when touch with heavier force. The right pulse was weak too. She told that she felt short of breath, fullness in the chest, no desire to eat, cloudy mind. I believed that it is a Qi-sink condition. Her headache was due to the reversed Qi rushing up from other meridians, after the sink of the Big Qi from chest. The original Shengxian Tang was followed.  Several doses solved her problem.


Letter from Mr. Zhou, Jingnan county, Sichuan province:

A boy with family-name Chen, five years of old, had poor breast milk nourish and suffered from anus prolapse for four years. He was pale on his face, tired in spirit, thin and slim in body constitution. His large intestine protruded out for two inches. If put it back, it would come out again. His pulse was ru and weak; breath was short as hard to continue. I thought his condition as Qi-sink. The anus prolapse was due to the Lower Jiao Qi cannot restrain the anus. The Shengxian Tang was followed by using Huangqi 12 gram, Zhimu 6 gram, Jiegeng 3 gram, Chaihu 3 gram, Shengma 3 gram, Renshen 9 gram, and Shanyurou 9 gram. After drinking of two doses, the anus stopped to prolapse. The formula was repeated another three doses with the Shengma removed. All conditions were well improved.


Letter from Mr. Zhang, Tangshan city, Zhili province:

A wife, for worry disease of her husband, got long term depression and sick. She felt palpitation, short of the breath and fullness in chest. Doctor thought her condition as Phlegm stagnation, used herbal formula Erchen Tang but the condition became worse. Since previously, her father was mis-treated by medicine, she dared not to continue herbal therapy on herself.


At that time, I was in the city to treat her husband. I was invited her home to see her. Her face was oily and bright. The pulse on the Chong and Chi positions was very deep, only strong and hard on the Guan position. I said: “This is the Qi-sink condition. How could doctor not know it but use Phlegm-clearing therapy, e.g. the Erchen Tang. Now the strong and string pulse on the Guan position was due to the pushing force of that herbs. The movement I felt her pulse, her Qi sunk. She felt shacking on the whole body, with cold sweat on the forehead, and palpitation. I used Shengxian Tang and also mimic the Xiaoyao San and Zhi Gancao Tang, to raise her sunk Qi and to disperse the stagnation in the middle part of the body, and to conduct the Heart and Kidney. One dose re-balanced the all upper, middle and lower part of the body. For the weak pulse on the Chi position, the Qi-opening hers, as well as the Qi-raising herbs, such as Shengma and Chaihu were dared not to use, but followed the way to treat the Qi-sink and the exhausting condition. Later the lady was recovered soon.

Letter from Mr. Zhang, Jixi city, Anhui province:

Mr. Feng was a farmer with pretty rich family. His mother Mrs. Zhang, had full body and good appetite. One day, she felt suddenly numb on the left hand, which was gradually hard to hold a bowl. One day, when she stretch her arm to grab a stuff, she suddenly lost consciousness. Her body fall down. Her extremes were cold with cold sweat on the head and with mild and weak air inhalation and exhalation. Everyone thought that she got a stroke. They gathered to discuss the way to save her but from the noon to the afternoon, her condition became worse. They came to ask my help and said that the old lady usually dislike taking of herbs. Now she was even tight in the mouth and the nose was blocked, worrying that it might be very difficult to feed her any herbs. I thought that the lady was old and had a long time reverse cold in her extremes, hard to restore her Yang Qi? I asked them to blow herb powder Hongling Dan into her nose. If she had sneeze, then consider the drink of the herbal tea. In deed, she got sneeze after the herbs were blowed into her nose. She appears to wake up soon, but her breath was still very weak as a thin silk. When touch, her mouth and nose were cold. The voice from her throat said she would definitely not drink any herbal tea. Her pulse then was deep and subtle. Her pupil was dispersed. So, I though her condition was Qi-sink.

但值耄年,势难遽投重峻之剂,爰照升陷汤方而小其剂,用生箭 一钱五分,知母八分,净萸肉一钱,柴胡四分,升麻三分。煎服须臾,即渐有转机。续进两剂,逐次平复。继俾服潞党参,每日二钱,加五味子五粒,广陈皮少许,频饮代茶。今春见之,较未病前更倍康强矣。

Since she was very old, it is hard to give her large amount of herbs. So I followed the Shengxian Tang but use small amount. The herbal formula contained Huangqi 4.5 gram, Zhimu 2.4 gram, Shangyurou 3 gram, Chaihu 1.2 gram, and Shengma 0.9 gram. After drinking of the herbal tea, the condition was improved somehow. Continuous use of two doses, the condition was calm down. The following herbal formula contained Dangshen 6 gram, Wuweizi five granules, Chenpi little. She was asked to drink this herb as regular tea. This spring, when I saw her, her body was much more stronger than before.

Letter from Mr. Lu, Dezhou city, Shandong province: 


My sister-in-law and my wife, felt sick everyday for heavy house and home labor work. My sister-in-law felt palpitation very much. Once sick, she would be able to get up the bed and she needed someone to press her chest. Her face was swelling and bloating, with lots of discomfort. My wife felt not only palpitation, but also cold-hot shift, falling feeling on the lower abdomen, sweat day and night, swelling on the face, eyes, hands and feet, as well as continuous swelling on the right leg. They both continued herbal drinks but the condition had no any improvement. Later when I learned the concept of Qi-sink, I thought that they both had Qi-sink condition.  I used Shengxian Tang to them, with addition of some nourishing herbs, feor several doses to them. Their conditions were much improved as there was no any problem. Now, they both are pretty healthy.

Letter from Mr. Song, Yanshan city, Zhilli province:

In the winter of 1962, a lady, who is the mother of my friend Mr. Ju, got ulcer on her breast, which was very painful. My colleague, Dr. Wang, was invited to see her. Mr. Ju said, she took the herbs from Dr. Wang yesterday, but swear no longer taking any herbs. When I saw her, her pulse on the Guan position of the left side was string and hard, weak and subtle on the right side. She could not speak, and the breath was very weak. The condition was very dangerous. I thought that she was old, and got the Qi-sink condition due to the ulcer on the breast. I so prescribed Shengxian Tang for her to raise Qi. In the formula, I added herb Liangqiao, and Danshen and other herbs, to solve the problem on the breast. Only one dose, she could speak. She was very happy and wanted to take the exact formula once more. I saw her later for several times again with little modification of the formula and she got recovered soon. Later I saw several such similar cases, all are solved with Shengxian Tang.


Letter from Mr. Yan, Huanren city, Fengtian province:

Years ago, my mother got the Qi-sink condition, I dared not to give her prescription, for I did not practice medicine before. I invited one of famous doctor in our city to see her several times, but no effect. Early spring this year, her condition turned worse, so her life was in dangerous. I have to give her the Shengxian Tang in a hurry way by myself. I followed the introduction for the Shengxian Tang for a modification of the formula. The several month’s disease was solved within several days.



Letter from Mr. Wang, Pingtai city, Jiangsu province:


A lady suffered from carbuncle on her breast, which was swelling and very painful. She got treatment by Western medicine a while, no any improvement, so I was invited for the treatment. There had already pus on the affected breast. After pounching to it, there was lots of pus flowing out. The second day, she could have nice sleep and eat reasonably. On the third day, she suddenly fall into loss of consciousness with headache. Her mother said: “She got Cold-Wind attack yesterday, that makes her condition as such”. Her pulse was subtle, weak as there was no pulse. Her body was no hot or cold feeling on touch. Heart beat fast and strong, little pain on the lower abdomen. So, it was known as not a common cold, but the Qi-sink condition. She was given the Shengxian Tang two doses. The problem was solved.   



2. Huiyang[2] Shengxian Tang


This formula is used to solve the Heart-Lung Yang deficiency with Qi-sink condition, in which the person feels cold in the heart, tightness on the back, chilly and has short of breath.

生黄芪(八钱) 干姜(六钱) 当归身(四钱) 桂枝尖(三钱) 甘草(一钱)
Huangqi 24 gram, Ganjiang 18 gram, Danggui (boy part) 12 gram, Guizhi (tip part) 9 gram, Gancao 3 gram.


The warm of the body depends on the Yang Qi of the heart and the lung to disperse. The Yang Qi of the Heart and the Lung depends on the Big Qi in the chest to protect. When the Big Qi sinks one level, the person who usually has the Heart-Lung Yang Qi deficiency would be weaker. To surppor the Heart-Lung Yang Qi, but do not know to raise the sunk Qi, there would be no use to drink the warm herbs. 


It might be asked: The Heart belongs to the Fire. The western medicine also believes that the body warm comes from the heart, which can disperse the warm to the whole body. In discussion of the weakness in the hot in the body, how it is said that the Heart and the Lung both have Yang deficiency? Answer: The Lung and the Heart both locate above the diagram, The blood vessels in the heart conduct with the lung. They work together to disperse the warm to the body. But such function of them needs the adjustment and governing by the Big Qi.


Comments: Dr. Yu Jiayan, in book Yimen Faluemphasized the importance of the Yang Qi in the Heart and the Lung. It is said that, if the Yang Qi is sufficient in the Heart and the Lung, the Fire in the Yin part would stay quiet and calm. Later, Dr. Chen Xiuyuan futher developed his statement. He said that the disperse of the warm from the Heart and Lung down could warm up the Spleen-Stomach for digestion and melt the phlegm. This is true.

A child, about 13 to 14 years of old, felt cold/chilly in the heart and body. He had poor eating, felt short of breath. He felt no any warm when he drunk warming herbs. His pulse was subtle and weak and late. There was further deep on the pulse on the right side. It was believed to be the Yang deficiency in the Heart and the Lung, with the Qi-sink. The herbal formula used for him was this Huiyang Shengxia Tang. After five doses, his short of breath was cured. His body was no longer cold as before. So, the herbal Guizhi was removed from the formula. Additional several doses solved his remaining problems completely. Later, he was asked to take the brimstone powder for a maintenance.

A man, about 50 years of old, due to heavy angry, suffered from diahhrea, which recovered several months later. From then, he felt fullness on the chest, had poor digestion. He visited several doctors for the treatment. The herbs used are the Qi-lubricating herbs. Even if there were some warming herbs, they are mixed with Qi-breaking herbs. The more take of the herbal tea, the worse his condition. Later, I saw him. His pulse was deep, thin, subtle and weak. The pulse was also late (not frequent). He felt cold in the heart from time to time. It was known that he had Qi-sink with Yang deficiency in the Heart and Lung. He was given this Huiyang Shengxian Tang. Ten doses solved his problem completely. Later due to angry, his problem recurred again. Doctor used this formula but with addition of herb Houpu 6 gram. After drinking, the patient felt falling and pain on the lower abdomen, could not have any sleep at night. I was asked again. He was given the exact formula, which solved his problem again.

A old lady, with family name of Wen, and about 50 years of old, suddenly fall into loss of consciousness, harsh breath near to stop. Her pulse was subtle and weak and late. She was very weak and slim for her life. She felt chilly and dislike cold usually, and felt fullness in the chest and had short of breath. Considering her sick history and current symptoms, her condition was believed to be the Qi-sink with cold-phlegm in the chest. Her condition now was to develop into the Phlegm-Jue condition. Since the herbs were not so available in the countryside, she was given Ganjiang 6gram to cook and to drink with help by others. Pretty soon later, there were sounds from her chest, and her breath appeared smooth. Then she was given the Ganjiang 24 gram to cook and to drink. At that time, she could drink the herbal tea by herself. Soon, her breath was much easier and her consciousness became little clearer, but stil could not speak, with yawn from time to time. For every ten times of breath, he would have a long yawn. It was known that, her Cold-Yin was opened, but the sunk Qi was not raised yet. She was then given the Huiyang Shengxian Tang. After several doses, the yawn and long sign stop and she could gradually speak.


Comments: in this case, the single herb Ganjiang was used to break the Cold-Yin in the chest, not daring to use the Qi-suppressing herbs, such as Daizheshi or Houpo, for the reason that the Cold-Yin and the Qi-sink co-existed. If the diagnosis was not clear, the life was in risk. In clinic, it must be very careful.



3. Liyu[3] Shengxian Tang

This formula is used to treat the Qi-sink condition with Qi-stagnation and with block in meridians. 

生黄芪(六钱) 知母(三钱) 当归身(三钱) 桂枝尖(钱半) 柴胡(钱半) 乳香(三钱,不去油) 没药(三钱,不去油)
Huangqi 18 gram, Zhimu 9 gram, Danggui (body part) 9 gram, Guizhi (tip part) 4.5 gram, Chaihu 4.5 gram, Ruxiang 9 gram, and Moyao 9 gram.

胁下撑胀,或兼疼者,加龙骨牡蛎(皆不用 )各五钱;少腹下坠者,加升麻一钱。
If the person feels bloating feeling on the side of the abdomen, or feels pain, add herb Longgu 15 gram, Muli 15 gram. If he feels falling and bloating in the lower abdomen, add Shenma 3 gram.

A woman, about 30 years of old, had fullness feeling in the chest. She also felt pain there from time to time. She felt warm air form her breath from nose, and usually felt thirsty. She said that the problem happened several days after her childbirth, when she had hard labor work too much. Her pulse was weak and late. I had thought her condition for a long time without a clear idea. So, I gave her Shanyao 30 gram to nourish her Jingye, Jineijin 6 gram, Chenpi 3 gram, to disperse her pain and fullness on the side of the abdomen. After drinking of the tea, she suddenly had cold-hot shift. Her pulse turned to be weaker. So I realized that her condition was Qi-sink with Qi-stagnation. So she was given this Liyu Shengxian Tang. One dose made her feel better. Additional four doses solved her problem.   

一少女,年十五。脐下左边起一 瘕,沉沉下坠作疼,上连腰际,亦下坠作疼楚,时发呻吟。剧时,常觉小便不通,而非不通也。诊其脉,细小而沉。询其得病之由,言因小便不利,便时努力过甚,其初腰际坠疼,后遂结此 瘕。其方结时,揉之犹软,今已五阅月,其患处愈坚结。每日晚四点钟,疼即增重,至早四点钟,又渐觉轻。愚闻此病因,再以脉象参之,知其小便时努力过甚。上焦之气,陷至下焦而郁结也。遂治以理郁升陷汤,方中乳香没药皆改用四钱,又加丹参三钱、升麻钱半,二剂而坠与疼皆愈。遂去升麻,用药汁送服朱血竭末钱许,连服数剂, 瘕亦消。
A girl, 15 years of old, had a mass showing on her lower left abdomen, which felt heavy to fall and the feeling conducted to the lower back. The lower back also felt pain, which was so much so that he had yawn from time to time. When she felt much pain, her urine was not easy. If she tried hard to urinate, she would feel pain the lower back, so for a long time, she felt a mass on the abdomen. From beginning, the mass was felt soft. After five months, it became hard. The pain became severe at 4 o’clock every night and it turned better in the 4 o’clock in the morning. I heard this case, combined with her pulse, knowing that she got the Qi-stagnation due to hard in urination, which made her Big Qi sunk to the lower abdomen. She was then given this Liyu Shengxian Tang. The herb Ruxiang and Moyao were changed to 12 gram, with addition of Danshen 9 gram, Shenma 4.5 gram. Two doses of the herbal tea solved her falling and pain in the abdomen. So the the Shenma was removed, but with addition of Xuejie powder, 2 to 3 gram, which was drunken as powder. Several doses of the herbal drinking solved her problem completely. 

或问:龙骨牡蛎为收涩之品,兼胁下胀疼者,何以加此二药?答曰:胁为肝之部位,胁下胀疼者,肝气之横恣也,原当用泻肝之药,又恐与大气下陷者不宜。用龙骨牡蛎,以敛戢肝火,肝气自不至横恣,此敛之即以泻之,古人治肝之妙术也。且黄芪有膨胀之力,胀疼者原不宜用,有龙骨牡蛎之收敛,以缩其膨胀之力,可放胆用之无碍,此又从体验而知道也。尝治一少妇,经水两月不见,寒热往来,胁下作疼,脉甚微弱而数至六至。询之常常短气,投以理郁升陷汤,加龙骨牡蛎各五钱,为脉数,又加玄参、生地、白芍各数钱,连服四剂。觉胁下开通,瘀血下行,色紫黑,自此经水调顺,诸病皆愈。盖龙骨牡蛎性虽收涩,而实有开通之力,《神农本草经》谓龙骨 瘕,而又有牡蛎之咸能软坚者以辅之,所以有此捷效也。

It might be asked: the herb Longgu and Muli are restraining herbs. How can they be used in person with bloating and pain on the side of the abdomen? Answer: the side of the abdomen belongs to the Liver. The bloating and pain on the side of the abdomen indicates that the Liver Qi is boorishing. It supposes to use Liver-clearing herbs, but fears that such herbs are not suit for Qi-sink. The use of the Longgu and Muli can restrain the Liver Fire, so that the Liver Fire would not boorish. From old time, it is believed that, restraining the Liver is to clearing/lashing the Liver. This is smart way of old people to treat the Liver problem. Huangqi has a property to bloat. It originally is not used in bloating pain. The Longgu and Muli for their restraining property can solve this side effect. This is experienced in my clinic work. I have tried to treat a young lady. She has no menstruation for two months. She had cold-hot shift feeling, bloating pain on the side of abdomen. Her pulse was subtle and weak and it was also frequent as up to 6 times per breath-circle. She also felt short of breath. She was given the Lliyu Shengxian Tang, with the addition of Longgu 15 gram, Muli 15 gram. For the pulse was frequent, the herb Xuanshen, Shendi, and Baishao were added for some grams. After intake of the herbal tea for four doses, she felt the easier on the side of the abdomen. The stagnated blood was cleared from the menstruation, the color of which was black. From then her menstruation turned normal. Every thing turned normal. The herb Longu and Muli, though have ability to restrain, but also to open, and to disperse. It is said in the bookShengnong Bencao Jingthat Longgu is to disperse and melt the mass. The Muli is salty in taste, and it can work to make the hard mass soft to disappear. This is the reason for the function of the herbs.



4. Xinpi Shengxian Tang

This formula is used to solve the leak of urine due to the Spleen Qi deficieny and Qi-sink.

生黄芪(四钱) 白术(四钱) 桑寄生(三钱) 续断(三钱) 萸肉(四钱,去净核) 龙骨(四钱, 捣) 牡蛎(四钱, 捣) 川萆薢(二钱) 甘草(二钱,蜜炙)
Huangqi 12 gram, Baizhu 12 gram, Sanjisheng 9 gram, Chuan Xuduan 9 gram, Shanyurou 12 gram, Longgu 12 gram, Muli 12 gram, Chuan Pixie 6 gram, Gancao 6 gram (processed with honey).

《内经》曰:饮入于胃,游溢精气,上输于脾,脾气散精,上归于肺,通调水道,下输膀胱。是脾也者,原位居中焦,为水饮上达下输之枢机,枢机不旺,则不待上达而即下输,此小便之所以不禁也。然水饮降下之路不一,《内经》又谓肝热病者,小便先黄,又谓肝壅两 (胁也)满,卧则惊悸,不得小便。且芍药为理肝之主药,而善利小便。由斯观之,是水饮又由胃入肝,而下达膀胱也。至胃中所余水饮,传至小肠渗出,此又人所共知。

This paragraph is not translated

In this formula, Huagnqi, Baizhu, Gancao work to raise the Spleen Qi, e.g. the Huangqi and Sanjisheng and Xuduan are to raise Liver Qi. The Longgu, Muli, Shanyurou and Pixie work to hold the small intestine. If the Big Qi in the chest is sufficient, it can govern the Qi metabolism in the whole body, not letting it shrink or sink. The combined Huangqi and Sangjisheng works to supply more Qi to the body.

It may be asked: the Huangqi is the herb to supply the Lung and Spleen, how it is to supply the Liver? Answer: The Liver belongs to the Wood and the Spring. It is warm and it likes smooth and strech. The herb Huangqi is warm and raising in herbal nature. They are co-vibrating relationship. After I started the clinic work, whenever I met the condition, in which the Liver Qi is very weak, hard to strech, and every herb to support the liver did not work, I would use the large amount of Huangqi, with little other herbs to lubricate the Liver Qi. After a short time of the herbal drink, the patient could feel improvement of his condition. (see the explanation for herb Huangqi). It is therefore known that the statement is wrong that there is no way to support the Liver.

It may also asked: in the book
Shennong Bencao Jing, it is stated that the herb Sanjisheng can treat lower back pain, enhance the teeth and hair, to grow eyebrown and moustauche. It is a herb to supply the Liver and Kidney. How it can work to supply the Big Qi in the chest? Answer: the Sangjisheng’s root does not touch soil, but growing as quest in a tree. It is good at to breath Qi in the air to nourish itself. So, the Qi it contains is similar to the Qi in the chest. It can be experienced that, in clinic, after long time of intake of herbs to supply the Liver and Kidney, the person would feel fullness in the chest. There is no other reasons, but the Qi in the chest is not sunk, not deficient, so the person can not accept more Qi from the herbs. Did you see in the book Shennong Bencao Jingthat the Huangqi can work for the carbuncle? But it does not work if the carbuncle just happened. Only when the carbuncle is broken, and the process for the muscle grow is slow, then the Huangqi works. So, the function of the Sangjisheng is similar to the Huangqi in the treatment of carbuncle. So its herbal nature is similar to the Huangqi.


It might be asked: the herb Pixie is usually used for the treatment of urine tract infection. The principle in the treatment of the urine infection is to open, for the believing that herb Pixie can open the urine tract to promote the urination. How do you use it in your formula to fix, to hold the urine? Its function is to promote or to prevent the urination? Answer: yes, the herb Pixie is the herb to fix the Lower Jiao. It has been indicated clearly in book Mingyi Bieluthat it can work for the urine leak. The current doctors thought it is the key herb to open the urine tract, for there is a herbal formula called Pixie Liqing Yin. Liqing here means to promote no-pain urine. So it is used often in the condition with harsh urine, painful urine, or urine with infection. There is cases, in which it is used to promote urine, but the urine became stop. It is used to solve pain in urine, but caused block and harsh in the urination. How wrong this concept mis-leads us! The key herb in the herbal formula Pixie Liqing Yin is originally used in condition, in which the urine is frequent, the urine is as white in color and as oil. This is the Cold-weak condition in the Lower Jiao, in which the Qi is weak to hold the urine. Look at the co-use of the herb Yizhiren that works to shrink the urine (reduce the frequency of urine), and the herb Wuyao that works to warm the Lower Jiao, the function of the Pixie Liwing Yin is clear. It is due to the less careful at the time to name the formula, so it caused the misunderstanding of the function of the herb Pixie. How pity it is!

[1] A condition similar to type I diabetes.

[2] Huiyang means Yang restoring in Chinese.

[3] Liyu means to disperse the stagnated Qi, in Chinese. Li means disperse. Yu means stagnation or blocked mass.